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The ContactVerification object is used to verify domain contacts.

The WHOIS Accuracy Specification requires an active verification of each domain contact used for gTLDs as domain owner (OwnerC). This verification is done by email.

After registration of a gTLD, the domain owner (OwnerC) receives a verification request to his email address.
The email contains a link that leads to a website where the active confirmation of the email address has to be done.
Each domain contact used for a domain owner (OwnerC) only needs to be verified once. It can then be used without restriction for all gTLDs.
If no verification takes place within certain time limits, the domain will be set to HOLD status at the registry. It can then no longer be resolved by the name servers and is thus not accessible.

Deadlines for disconnection in case of unconfirmed OwnerC domain contact

  • After DOMAIN CREATE: 15 days
  • After DOMAIN TRANSFER: 30 days
  • After DOMAIN OWNERCHANGE: 30 days
  • After UPDATE of email address in domain contact: 30 days


Keyword  JSONKeyword XMLOccursTypeFormatDescription





Domain contact to be confirmed.
createdcreated1stringdate-timeDate when the verification was started.
updatedupdated1stringdate-timeDate when the verification was updated.
ownerowner1objectBasicUserUser who owns the object.
updaterupdater1objectBasicUserUser who last updated the object.

The unique reference of verification.

messageSendmessage_sent0 - 1stringdate-time

The date when the last verification email was sent.

confirmedconfirmed0 - 1stringdate-time

The date when the last verification email was confirmed.

confirmIpconfirm_ip0 - 1objectInetAdressThe IP address from which the verification was confirmed.
failedfailed0 - 1stringdate-timeThe date on which the verification failed.
domainsdomain0 - nobjectContact Verification DomainDomain for which verification was/is required.
verificationMailsverification_mail0 - nobjectContact Verification MessageThe verification mails. For each mail sent, it is recorded here whether the verification was successful or not.
commentcomment0 - 1string

The verification comment. Can be included in the confirmation.

Action for which the verification was triggered or updated.